Stories for living

Ma maison-tête
(The House in My Head)


When he gets back from the movie theatre, Vincent can tell his mom exactly what happened in the film, right down to the tiniest detail. But when he has to get up in front of the class and recite a story he has learned by heart, his mind goes blank. The house in his head is just so big, he tends to get lost in there!

The House in My Head takes a good look at attention deficit disorder from an original and accessible angle.


  • A picture book that approaches the topic of attention deficit disorder in an original, accessible way.
  • A storyline inspired by author and illustrator Vigg’s personal experience.
  • An enchanting work of grand design and beautiful imagery.
Awards Rights sold
  • Winner of the Plume de Paon’s Audiobook Grand Prize, category Youth 2023
  • Finalist for the Plume de Paon’s Audience Award, category Youth 2023
  • Finalist for the Governor General’s Award for Young People’s Literature – Illustrated Books 2021
  • Winner of the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award 2021
  • Winner for the Harry Black Award 2021, Picture Book category
  • English, North America
  • Spanish, World
  • Turkish, Turkey
















Vincent mange son déjeuner en compagnie de sa mère et de son père. Il dessine.
Vincent entre dans la salle des contrôle. Une pièce dans sa tête où il tente de tout contrôler. Il y a un mur d'écrans de télévision et une console avec des dizaines de boutons.
Vincent est sur la dos du renard et galope à travers les points multicolores en répandant des feuilles de papier noires partout.