The first original production by La boîte à pitons is an interactive adaptation of a series of children’s books published by Fonfon.
These tablet applications immerse children in a story and give them the tools to actually take over the authorship reins. The apps are designed to appeal to 3- to 8-year-olds and have been developed for both home and school use.
Each application offers :
- An enriched book, including animations, sound effects, prerecorded narration and interactions;
- A creation platform, allowing users to create their own books while having loads of fun !
Without time limit, the application has an ergonomy and a design specifically conceived for young users, and offers infinite opportunities of family shared moments. To bring everywhere !
The applications have been developped in collaboration with AKUFEN studio, and with the pedagogical input of education specialists of the University of Québec in Montréal. Their production has been made possible thanks to the support of the Canadian Media Fund and the MITACS Acceleration program.