Stories for laughing

Thomas, prince professionel
(Thomas, Professional Prince)


Thomas is a prince whose full-time job is to save princesses from untold dangers. After years of doing it, he has developed some very unusual methods.

Follow Thomas on his daring escapades and find out why the princesses never fall in love with him in the end. You’ve never seen a rescue mission like this before, but the charming Prince Thomas is sure to win your heart!



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About the book

  • A wild and wacky combo of text and illustrations.
  • A tale of royalty and adventure kids will love.
  • An adorable character who’ll have you tearing your hair out.

  • Shortlisted for the Peuplier Award, Picture Book Category (2014)
  • Winner of the Best Children’s Book award, Enfants Québec magazine (2012)
  • Preliminary list for the Quebec Booksellers’ Award, Youth Category (2012)